This is a story about a mother of two boys, a 6 year old and a 2 year old.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Our Halloween excitement started on Wednesday when the boys dressed up at church and go trunk or treating. They both brought home a ton of candy. Then it was dress up in any "farm animal costume" for Dimitry on Friday October 30th. Then on Halloween day, our day started off by going and watching Sasha's last Upward Flag Football game at 9:00 am. Then it was home for a few hours and at 1:00 pm we went to Sasha's school to do the carnival there. Lots of fun games to play. Then at 6:00 pm we headed over to Sherwood Baptist church (we were invited by some friends) to experience their trunk or treat carnival. It was lots of fun and again, the boys came home with lots of candy. We had a carriage ride with some beautiful horses. Then it was off to see Grandma and Pupha to show them the boys costumes. Then we made it home at 10:00 pm. It's a good thing we had to set our clocks back 1 hour.

Over all, we all had a great time this Halloween. It's fun to see the boys have lots of fun!!

God bless,
Momma Marsha

1 comment:

Cathy Forbes said...

Marsha you are such a great mom. I love reading your post and seeing all your pictures. I wish we lived closer so I could enjoy your beautiful family. Have a great day. Love you bunches, miss you more. Love, Cathy