This is a story about a mother of two boys, a 6 year old and a 2 year old.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tonight at church was Sasha's last night as a Cubbie. He will start the Sparks group next Fall. He finished his whole book and recieved all his awards. If you take a look at his vest he is wearing you can see all the awards he has recieved throughout the year. Now my job is to sew that last two he got tonight on his vest to complete it. I'm so proud of him and he is so good at learning all the memory verses from the Bible.
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Dimitry got his 1st haircut on May 17th at 11:15 am. He did great just sitting there but of course Wanda gave him a sucker to put in his mouth. He looks like a totally different little boy. He is still cute to his momma and I love him whatever his hair looks like. He may not have his little "Gerber" curly que but I love his hair no matter what style he has now.
Dimitry before haircut
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Dimitry after haircut
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Sasha had a graduation night for his Pre-school Day class. All the 4/5 year olds graduated from Pre-school and had a little program for all the parents, grandparents, friends. They all sang songs and dressed up as Kids in Construction. They were all so cute and all did a great job singing. The next step for Sasha is Kindergarten which he has already signed up on May 5th and got to take a tour at the school and meet a few "already" kindergarten kids. He got to visit the school's library (which he is going to love) and the cafeteria, and a classroom in session. All the kids welcomed Sasha and one kid in perticular said he was going to love his school. Sasha is so excited about attending his what he calls it his "Big Boy" school. Momma can't wait to go shoppig for school clothes and school supplies.

Sasha Preschool graduation night

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Sasha at his Choir Program at Church. The title was "You can't get to Heaven on Roller Skates". There were Brazilians (that's what Sasha was), Chinese, Kenyans, American Indians, and of course Texas Cowboys & Cowgirls. Sasha had two speaking parts this time around and did a great job.
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Papa, Sasha, Dimitry and myself enjoyed a night out watching IRON MAN at the drive in. Sasha loves to go to the drive in more than the walk in theater. I enjoy it more too because we can be comfy in our own car or just sitting out in our chairs. Dimitry enjoys it too. He is such a happy little boy, he enjoys anything his papa, momma and big brother drag him to.
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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A few months have passed since I have posted a new blog. So here I am tonight posting several events during my life with my boys.

Sasha had his 5th birthday and Dimitry turned 1 year old. Boy do they grow up fast!! Sasha had his typical backyard party with the jumper and everything. For Dimitry's birthday, we had hamburgers and had his grandma and pupah and two cousins come over to celebrate.

Sasha started TBall and just loves it. When you ask him what his favorite thing about TBall is, his answer isn't the typical answer a proud mother that played sports in your younger years. Yes, his favorite thing is sitting on the bench. I couldn't believe he said that, but guess what? I'm still so proud of my boy Sasha. He is a good team player. But he is a social bug so no wonder he likes sitting on the bench. He is a favorite of the team too.

Sasha has gone to several birthday parties of friends in the last few months. It's like the same thing every weekend, momma taking Sasha to a birthday party. I guess that's what we get for Sasha having so many friends.

Dimitry turned 1 year old and he is trying to walk. He does walk but not when papa and momma want him to do it for the camera. For his birthday the family went to see Disney on Ice and saw Finding Nemo. It was a big hit with the boys. Even at one part when Nemo was calling his dad, Dimitry started calling his dad out too. The lady sitting next to us thought it was so sweet.

Dimitry is playing more and more with his big brother Sasha. He watches every move Sasha makes and loves to play hide n seek with his big brother. They are such a joy to watch.
Dimitry playing in jumper at Sasha's 5th Birthday partyPosted by Picasa

Birthday Boy

Dimitry sure loved his 1st Birthday CakePosted by Picasa
Sasha at one of his TBall gamesPosted by Picasa

Minature Golf and Go Carting

Attended a Birthday Party and enjoyed Minature Golf and Go Carting.
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